
Carla tsukinami transparent
Carla tsukinami transparent

Only those capable of grasping its value, should press the purchase button. We can ensure the delivery of high quality products to your doorstep. Ap(April Fools)įrom today onwards, we shall start selling farm fresh and Founder-approached cured dry ham. I vow to protect you, no matter what awaits us in the future. Furthermore, I shall fulfill my own duty as well. I am grateful towards the fate that brought us together. You are also a woman I personally do not wish to lose. > You are a woman worthy of becoming the bride of a Founder. Following said tradition, I shall thank you as well. > I heard that today you are supposed to return the favor of last month’s festivity. –> The ‘ma’ character in Carla’s unique spelling of the word ‘marshmallow’ means ‘magic’ on its own, hence why he thinks they’re made from magic beasts living in the Demon World. So until I identify them, it seems wise not to eat them. > I do not know which magic creature has been put into these things. I guess Carla does not know what a marshmallow is. However, when you look at the individual readings of each character, they are pronounced as ‘ma-shu-ma-ro’ or マッシュマロー, the Japanese word for ‘marshmallow’. –> This took me a while to figure out, but Carla wrote he received 魔種麻呂 from Kanato, which isn’t an existing word in Japanese at all. > Guess I shall give these ‘marsh mallow’ things Kanato gifted me to Shin. Obtaining that is more important, don’t you think? Ma(White Day) > When it comes to these things, it’s quality over quantity. Shuu l Reiji l Ayato l Kanato l Laito l Subaru l Ruki l Kou l Yuma l Azusa l Shin l Kino Febru(Valentine’s Day) Diabolik Twitter ー Carla Tsukinami –> This post includes all tweets posted on the official Rejet Twitter account for Carla Tsukinami in 2020.

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