
Oolite wiki legal status
Oolite wiki legal status

oolite wiki legal status

Some keys may vary from the ones listed here. The game will use that IFF flag colour to show them. 9) Certain OPXs w ill add extra types of self-guiding we apons to Oolite. 8) Non powered obje cts include ast eroids, cargo pods, escape pods, and abandoned craft. 7) The cloak is on ly available after co mpleting a miss ion for the GCW. 6) Unless the car go is selected th e ships’ compu ter will dump a random cargo canister. T o jump again another drive must be bought. 5) Galactic hyperdr ives are one time use only. Use the same key to cancel or renew a request. 3) Se e t he Space Compass sec tio n f or mor e inf orm ati on 4) The ke y r equ es ts a doc kin g window fro m sta tio n l aun ch control. 2) The key cyc les through the 5 zoo m scales on the s canner. 1) The key cycles throu gh the extremal views of your cra ft that are available. Other dockable habitats and ships may not support it. ‡ This funct ion is only available while docked at a GCW sta tion. † This functi on is only available wh en the appropriate eq uipment is installed. Command, Control or Alt key F6 Function key.

oolite wiki legal status oolite wiki legal status

Commodities Market Screens F8 / 8 Commodities market screen ↑ ↓ Move cursor up / down list Enter Buy / Sell maximum amount of goods ← → Buy / sell one unit of commodities Carrier / Passenger Screen ‡ F 8 / 8 Carrier / passenger market ↑ ↓ Move cursor up / down list ? Contract’s destination on galactic chart Enter Agree to contract Other Commands P Pause the game O / N Turn the HUD off / on while paused F Toggle window / full screen modes F Show game frame rates Q Quit the game * Capture a screen shot Key & Notes X Press the key twice. Yaw left / right Z Scanner zoom reset W S Thrust increase / decrease \ Cycle Space Compass targets 3 I Witchdrive Fuel Injectors † L Contact Station Launch Control 4 J Interplanetary Jump C Docking Computer † H Hyperspace Jump D Dock without sequence † G Galactic hyperspace Jump † 5 C Dock with active target † ~ Show communication log S Turn music of during docking † D Dump one cargo canister 6 R Rotate through current cargo Combat Controls A Fire laser R Activate ID computer † M Fire missile + - Cycle to next / previous target † T Target lock missile E Activate ECM † U Unlock missile O Activate cloak † 7 Y Cycle through missiles † Esc Launch escape capsule † Tab Fire energy bomb † Ship, Systems & Status Screens F1 / 1 Launch Ship ‡ F 2 / 2 Game menu ‡ F 3 / 3 Ship outfitting ‡ F 3 / 3 Ships for sale ‡ F 5 / 5 Commander’s profile F 5 / 5 Ships’ manifest ↑ ↓ M ove c u rso r u p / d o w n l i s t E n t e r S e l ec t h i g h l i g h t e d e n t r y Navigation Controls & Screens F 6 / 6 Short Range Chart F 6 / 6 Galactic Chart F 7 / 7 Planetary Information ↑ ↓ Move the cursor around the charts Home Return cursor to current system ← → I System Information (in short range chart) ^ Advanced Navigation Array † Typing the planets’ name while in either chart screen will automatically move the cursor to that world. Ref ere nce S hee ts fo r Oolite 1.73 by KZ9999 Flight Controls F 1 / 1 Front view F 2 / 2 Rear view F 3 / 3 Left view F 4 / 4 Right view ↑ ↓ Pitch down / up V External view 1 ← → Roll left / right Z Cycle scanner zoom 2. Creative Commons License: Attribution - Noncommerical - Share Alike 3.0 Oolite website: Oolite Wiki is part of the Elite Wiki at: /index.php/Oolite Oolite BBS : /bb/ Oolite is inspired by Elite com put er ga me se rie s, or igi nal ly cr eat ed by I an Be ll an d Da vid B rab en. OOLITE Reference Sheets Oolite was created Giles Williams and others.

Oolite wiki legal status