The two watch Pongo, Perdita and the other Dalmatians arrive to pick up Lucky, who is happy to see them. When Lucky asks if she and Beamer would like to watch Thunderbolt with him, she comments how Thunderbolt is an unsophisticated program, with Beamer joking that he'll want them to watch a cattle pull next. Beamer notices something wrong when Lucky seems reluctant to eat, and Coco's suggestion that he try the chicken makes Lucky more concerned as it reminds him of Spot. After the play date, though, Lucky begins to miss the other Dalmatians at Dearly Farm.

The next day, the Vandercreams arrange a play date for Lucky at the Dog Park (for their kind of dogs). Lucky asks Beamer to reply that he is enjoying himself there. Later that night, Beamer picks up a message for Lucky via the "Twilight Bark" from Pongo and Perdita, asking how he is. When served with kibble cocktails, the couple express concern with how Lucky scoffs his down, before expressing shock at how he usually eats from a trough. While the two are well meaning, being Dalmatians of high class, they eat at a table, rather than the floor. When Lucky arrives at their estate, he is introduced to the couple, as well as their human butler, Gielgud.

While Pongo has some concerns about this, Perdita seems to suggest that Lucky will begin to miss the others, after spending some days with them.

When Lucky begins to feel crowded on the Dearly Farm, Perdita suggests that he spend the summer with the Vandercreams.
#Pongo and perdita brother and sister series
Lucky, Patch, Cadpig, Rolly, Penny, Freckles, Two-Tone, Whizzer, Dipstick, Jewel, Fidget, Pepper, and the other puppies (niblings) Source Coco and Beamer Vandercream are the wealthy relatives of Pongo and Perdita who appear in the 101 Dalmatians: The Series episode " Lucky to be Alone."